Our Mission Possible school achievement awards are back for 2020, with applications now open!
These awards celebrate and acknowledge the work schools do to promote positive mental health, both in the classroom and in the wider community.
This year, we’re introducing three new categories, showcasing:
- the Best Standalone Project,
- the Best Programme Activity
- and the Most Creative Idea
undertaken in schools to tackle stigma or share positive messages around mental health. Each category will have a primary and secondary school winner.
Along with their trophies, the six winning schools across all three categories will receive a prize of €600 each, while every school taking part will be presented with a framed certificate.
Applications stay open until 5pm on Friday, 20 March, with the winners announced at an awards ceremony taking place on Monday, 27 April.
In another exciting development for our 2020 awards, schools can now apply through our School Portal for the first time.
You’ll find all the information you need to enter here.
Awards categories
Best Standalone Project
This award celebrates a once-off project that displays the great work your school has done to promote positive mental health. Examples of these one-off projects include the introduction of a Buddy Bench in a school, where students can sit if they’re feeling worried or shy about talking to their classmates; the installation of a Wellness Wall to post positive mental health messages; or the establishment of a Student Wellbeing Committee.
Best Programme Activity
This award celebrates innovative mental health programmes and initiatives which reach out to young people, teachers and the community and provide meaningful, lasting support. These programmes would involve a calendar of mental health events or activities, such as Wellness Walks or mindfulness classes.
Most Creative Idea
This award brings the wow factor! We’re looking for the most original, inventive, or fun ideas used to open conversations or reduce stigma around mental health. From Wellbeing Clubs to positive poster campaigns, there’s no shortage to the ways your imagination can take you for this! Ideas can include short-term projects or long-term programmes, and can include the kinds of activities that create big impact even with very small budgets.
Mission Possible 2019 winners
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