Marking World Gratitude Day, we’re delighted to share our Gratitude Journal.
Whether it’s being thankful for being able to enjoy a catch-up with a friend, to take time to yourself to relax, or even to appreciate feeling well on a particular day, finding one thing – however small - that gives us a positive boost is really important.
Gratitude and mental health
Debbie van Tonder of St Patrick’s Mental Health Services tells us there is widespread evidence that saying “thank you” contributes to positive mental health and increases our sense of connection with the world.
Keeping a gratitude journal highlights our positive experiences during difficult times. It shows us the other side of the coin when there is a perception that all is going wrong.
You can use our Gratitude Journal to write down something that you’re grateful for every day. This helps to remind us of all the little things that brighten up our days.
“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.”
William Faulkner
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