Walk in My Shoes (WIMS) invites you to celebrate self-care for #MindYourSelfie Day.
#MindYourSelfie Day is one of our longest-running campaigns here in WIMS, which we hold to encourage conversations about mental health and inspire us all to look after our wellbeing.
To mark the day, we invite you to join us on social media and to share your photos, videos and positive wellbeing messages. It’s an opportunity to create, and be part of, a positive, supportive community online and to raise awareness about the importance of minding our mental health.
We know that many of us can find January a difficult month, with the quiet period after the Christmas holidays, the cold weather, the darker evenings, or the pressure we might feel to make and keep resolutions.
With that in mind, for #MindYourSelfie Day 2024, we’re welcoming you to come together with us on Monday, 22 January and share the ways we like to brighten up our days.
What are the self-care tips or practices that help you to #MindYourSelfie?
Whether it’s going for a run, cooking yourself a nice meal, meditating or practising mindfulness, or even just getting an early night’s sleep, we’d love to see and hear the ways you take time out for yourself and prioritise your wellbeing.
Simply share your content and wellbeing message to social media using the hashtag #MindYourSelfie and tagging our channels to get involved.
Impact of self-care
Sinéad O’Kelly, Mental Health Promotion Manager with WIMS, said “WIMS is delighted to be holding #MindYourSelfie Day 2024 this January. This can be a time where we hold onto tiredness after the ending of one year and yet feel a weight of expectation at the beginning of the new year. #MindYourSelfie Day brings us an opportunity to take a step back, to come together with others, and to reflect on and celebrate the ways we can all be kinder to ourselves.”
“Self-care is not just for #MindYourSelfie Day. Taking a few moments to support and nurture ourselves is a choice we can make every day of the year."
"We’re particularly delighted to be able to share our new self-care timetable for primary school children so that we encourage our young people to embed self-care in their lives from an early age. We hope #MindYourSelfie Day spreads the message that these little actions of self-care can make a truly big impact on our mental health and wellbeing.”
Self-care tips
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