We are seeking feedback and suggestions from teachers across Ireland to help develop new mental health supports for the classroom.
Responding to teacher and student needs
Walk in My Shoes (WIMS) is seeking feedback and suggestions from teachers across Ireland to help develop new mental health supports for the classroom.
Recognising the important work that teachers and school staff do in supporting students’ wellbeing, we offer a wide range of resources to instill positive mental health for use in primary and secondary schools.
From mindfulness exercises and wellness walls to educational films and classroom handouts, our resources are specially designed to help students of all ages learn how to manage their wellbeing and to break down stigma or reluctance to talk about their mental health.
As we prepare to develop new supports, we are inviting teachers to let us know what they think would most benefit their students.
We would be extremely grateful if teachers could take just two or three minutes to complete our tailored surveys below.
The surveys explore what tools and resources you find most efficient to use in the classroom or for remote learning, what kinds of topics you feel are most important to cover, and how supports can be best formatted and delivered for use.
The surveys remain open until Friday, 28 May. If you have any queries about the surveys, or would like to find out more about our school supports, please email our Project Manager, Amanda McArdle, at info@walkinmyshoes.ie.
Check out our classroom resources
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